If you are like most cleaning businesses, managing scheduling and invoicing is an overwhelming challenge. Bella FSM cleaning business software lets you generate and manage recurring cleaning services for your customers. This solution will track the following aspects of your customer history: completed cleaning services, when these services were invoiced, and when payment was received. The technique for doing this is described below.
There is no right way or wrong way to set up recurring cleaning services. However, we can share our recommendations based on industry best practices. If you are just beginning to build a company, see our article on how to start a cleaning business
Create a Job for your customer and select Recurring or Custom in the Visit Frequency dropdown. Select the appropriate appointment recurring frequency of daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly which will create the visits on the calendar. Set the date and time. For example, if you select a frequency of weekly, it will be place on the calendar every week.

Recurring Cleaning
As you complete appointment visits, open the occurrence from the calendar and mark it complete. When you mark a recurring visit complete the software places the appointment in the visit list. This list will keep a record of all the completed appointments for the job and the history.
Also, when marking the recurring appointment complete, enter a quantity for the number of labor hours and any materials in the job items section. You can create “Items” in the accounting section for service, parts, discounts, etc… that display in the items section. For example, create an item called “Weekly Cleaning”. Enter a quantity of 1 for weekly cleaning and enter a completed date. You also have the option to invoice items individually or group them together. When you invoice, items the invoice date will also display in the item list.
The item list will track customer history of when all recurring cleaning services were completed and invoiced.
Additionally, you can set a status for a customer job based on when this status report is required. For example, you could set it for every two weeks or monthly. Status terminology can be customized. In the job list, you are able to sort all customer jobs by status for quick viewing and organization.
Bella FSM will take your business to the next level. Take advantage of our special offer: https://secure.bellafsm.com/order-now.html